Who knew?!
April 2nd is Reconciliation Day
In 1989, newspaper columnist Ann Landers promoted April 2nd as Reconciliation Day. A designated day for mending fences. Dedicating an annual article, Ann encouraged readers to patch relationships, make amends, and remember that life is too short to hold a grudge between those we love. People responded to this column by the thousands. Every year.
What better way to call in the new season, to begin again and remeber things we know. Like loving well and forgiving easily are, at the end of the day, what every spiritual tradition tells us should be the measure of our success. How forgivness, no matter how we convince ourselves otherwise, brings relief, redemption, grace. So, go ahead, play the grace card. It can be a beautiful thing.
If you want to see brave, look at those who can forgive.
~Bahagavad Gita